«Celestina» in 21st Century Historical Fiction: «El ritual de las doncellas» (2006) by José Calvo Poyato and «En la orilla» (2016) by Rafael Chirbes


  • Ana Mónica Montero Moreno Saint Louis University




El ritual de las doncellas, José Calvo Poyato, En la orilla, Rafael Chirbes, Intertextuality


The Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea (ca. 1502)—initially conceived as a comedy, and often identified as (La) Celestina—has never lacked readers since its composition soon before 1499. Nowadays, the bibliography on Celestina is immeasurable and its impact on theatrical performance and films quite sizeable. Furthermore, critics have started to pay attention to its influence on contemporary fiction. In this paper we analyze how two contemporary writers have interpreted and re-used Celestina in radically different manners and using disparate literary categories. Thus, on the one hand, Celestina inspires character development, plot, and historical reconstruction in El ritual de las doncellas (2006), a Baroque historical noir penned by historian José Calvo Poyato. On the other hand, for novelist Rafael Chirbes Celestina is not only a "toolbox" of techniques, scenes, and quotes useful for writers, but it also enacted a literary revolution by itself. More precisely, Celestina still embodies an ethical conception of literature according to which language becomes an instrument to reveal ideological manipulation, social corruption and the mistreatment of the vanquished in history. To sum up, by comparing José Calvo Poyato’s and Rafael Chirbes’ different visions and inconspicuous adaptations of Celestina in their novels, we can gain new insights into two intertextuality phenomena that affect popular and highbrow literature. This also reveals the literary values and creative power of this 15th century masterpiece.


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Author Biography

Ana Mónica Montero Moreno, Saint Louis University

Ana M. Montero is currently Full Professor of Spanish in the Department of Languages, Literatures, & Cultures at Saint Louis University. Her research interests include scientific production in the C13th, short narrative, and sentimental fiction. Her book De la literatura amorosa a la ética política: la obra de don Pedro de Portugal (1429-1466) / From Love Narratives to Political Ethics: the works by don Pedro of Portugal (1429-1466) focuses on political propaganda, personal self-fashioning in literature and exile in the work of Pedro of Avis, constable or Portugal. Today, she tackles a new area which is the impact of early modern literature on contemporary novels.  Her articles have appeared in Medievalia, La Corónica. A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies; or Anuario de Estudios Medievales.


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How to Cite

Montero Moreno, A. M. (2023). «Celestina» in 21st Century Historical Fiction: «El ritual de las doncellas» (2006) by José Calvo Poyato and «En la orilla» (2016) by Rafael Chirbes. Celestinesca, 47, 53–74. https://doi.org/10.7203/Celestinesca.47.27515
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