Convergence or Divergence? Religious Pluralization and Integration Policies in Western Nation States
Multiculturalism, immigration policies, integration policies, religiousplurality, 9/11
This article attempts to analyze the relationship between religious legacies of receiving countries of immigration and the politics of integration, or multiculturalism. It aims to discuss the issues of continuity and change, of convergence and divergences in these policy areas in light of arguments of cultural path-dependency as they are used, for example, in secularization theory. At a conceptual level, the author will examine the relationship between religion and democracy, with regard to 19 Western democracies, a group of countries characterized by a certain size, high levels of socio-economic development, stable democratic systems and a (Latin) Christian religious legacy. The general point in this article is that national legacies are still an important constraint for real convergence of policies across countries, despite the pluralization of the international order after 1989, despite globalization, EU-integration and also 9/111
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