Trans issues on today’s screens


  • Dieter Ingenschay Humboldt Universität, Berlín



La Veneno, Trans* women on the screen, TERF (transexclusivity).


The successful Spanish television series La Veneno (dir. J. Ambrossi/ J. Calvo, Atresplayer, since March 2020) tells the life story of the transexual sex-worker Cristina Ortiz («La Veneno») and in parallel the transition of journalist Valeria Vegas, who also wrote Veneno’s «autobiography». On the one hand, the series confirms heteronormative prejudices and stereotypes about trans* women; on the other hand, it has decisively promoted the visibility of the trans* community at a politically pivotal moment in social development. Critics (such as Elizabeth Duval) have noted and described this dilema. With the figure of Valeria, a different, modern type of trans* woman comes into view. S. Lelio’s highly awarded film Una mujer fantástica (Chile, 2017) shows that the representation of trans* women on screen can also, quite fundamentally, avoid the well-known stereotypes.


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Author Biography

Dieter Ingenschay, Humboldt Universität, Berlín

Dieter Ingenschay is professor emeritus of Hispanic literatures at Humboldt University of Berlin, a member of the Transdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies, the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolis Research, the Selma Stern Center for Jewish Studies and a member of the German-Mexican Doctoral School “Temporalities of the Future”. He has been visiting professor at different American (Cornell University, Dartmouth College) and Latin American universities, at the Complutense University of Madrid and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is a former president and honorary member of the German Association of Hispanists. Main fields of work: Postmodern and post-dictatorial Hispanic literatures; Metropolis and Literature; Gender/masculinity studies/ Gay Studies.


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How to Cite

Ingenschay, D. (2023). Trans issues on today’s screens. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 25, 5–16.
  • Abstract
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