Corporal non-seeing, media non-seeing and public non-seeing in the artivist practices of the social explodment of Chile (2019)
visual censorship, artivism, video activism, audiovisual collectives, Chilean social outbreak, performativity of the image, counter-monumentAbstract
During the Chilean social outbreak, artivist practices proliferated that criticized two types of state violence: criticism of physical violence against the plural subject of the revolt, who suffered the attack of tear gas bombs against his eyes; and the criticism of semiotic violence, expressed in the misrepresentations of television and in the practices of invisibility of citizen expressions on monuments and walls. The purpose of this research is the analysis of a corpus of these practices based on three axes: a) non-seeing of the body: analysis of artivist practices that criticize state forms of invisibilization of the body of protesters; b) media non-seeing: analysis of artivist practices that criticize the forms of invisibilization of images of protesters in the dominant media; and c) public non-seeing: analysis of artivist practices that criticize state forms of invisibility of graffiti, posters and slogans inscribed on the walls of museums, monuments and buildings. These artivist practices make visible the invisible dissent in the face of hegemonic forms of consensus, thus expressing a visual war for the story: an Imagomachy.
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