Soberanía digital: un debate abierto y tres problemas políticos
DOI: clave:
Democracia, soberanía digital, tecnología digital, datos masivos, inteligencia artificial, democracy, digital sovereignty, digital technology, big data, artificial intelligence
Digital sovereignty: an open debate and three political problems
Resumen: El desarrollo tecnológico digital reciente abre un amplio abanico de nuevas posibilidades. Fundamentalmente en manos de las grandes empresas tecnológicas, sin embargo, representa una amenaza para los sistemas democráticos. En este contexto, se ha intensificado el debate en torno a la soberanía digital. Actores de diversos ámbitos reclaman esta soberanía desde perspectivas y con objetivos diferentes. A la luz de este debate, analizo tres problemas políticos a superar para avanzar hacia la soberanía digital.
Abstract: Recent digital technological development opens up a wide range of new possibilities. Mainly in the hands of the big technological corporations, though, it represents a threat to democratic systems. In this context, the debate on digital sovereignty has intensified. Actors from several fields call for this sovereignty from different perspectives and with various objectives. In light of this debate, I analyse three political problems to overcome in order to move towards digital sovereignty.
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