Involvement and affectivity in the professional practice of Social Work and Social Education
Social Work, Social Education, competences, implication, affections
When we talk about involvement and affectivity, we also talk about characteristics that are, a priori, intrinsic to the professional practice of social workers and social educators. These particularities are not integrated in the VERIFICA of university degrees, but they provide inputs to the professional performance of them. The use of these invisible competences that make up the curricula of the study plans are, however, visible in reality, as they help in the construction of the educational relationship with people at risk. The aim of this paper is to expose the theoretical and methodological origins that build both strategies and their implementation in daily professional practice with children, adolescents and young people at risk. The results deepen in a holistic theoretical understanding, which is determined by the helping relationship and the deepening in epistemological bases connected with Christian movements and community pedagogies of a preven- tive, participative, educational and communicative nature. The methodology also has an important impact, since the existence of isolated actions does not achieve the planned action objectives. Thus, the connection between theory and methodology constitutes a range of proposals and experiences to deepen itineraries, spaces where to implement competences and learning outcomes that guide through involvement and affectivity.
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