The Literary Canon in Creative Writing through the perspective of the Critical Model




The paper aims to investigate the relationship between creative writing and the literary canon. The main question is whether the Western canon can be a source of knowledge and an occasion for experimentation. It is vital today that Creative Writing emerges as a public discourse that intervenes in the public sphere on severe political and social issues concerning contemporary societies. It is also important to turn his gaze to the work itself, its poetics, and its ideology. Its new role presupposes workshop poetics, which will collide with the established discourse of mass literature and reshape the ways of assimilating the cultural values of the past (knowledge) and the present (experience and reflection). In the paper, we propose a new inclusive pedagogic model of creative writing, which not only systematizes older models and links criticism, criticism on canonical works, genre theory, and creative writing to lead to experimental projects but also invites diverse perspectives and voices offering a promising future for the field.


Este artículo tiene como objetivo investigar la relación entre la escritura creativa y el canon literario. La cuestión principal es si el canon occidental puede ser una fuente de conocimiento y una oportunidad para la experimentación. Hoy en día, es fundamental que la escritura creativa emerja como un discurso público que intervenga en la esfera pública sobre cuestiones políticas y sociales graves que afectan a las sociedades contemporáneas. También es importante dirigir la mirada hacia la obra en sí, su poética y su ideología. Su nuevo papel presupone una poética de taller que entrará en conflicto con el discurso establecido de la literatura de masas y redefinirá las formas de asimilar los valores culturales del pasado (conocimiento) y del presente (experiencia y reflexión). En este artículo, proponemos un nuevo modelo pedagógico inclusivo de escritura creativa que no solo sistematiza modelos anteriores y vincula crítica, crítica de obras canónicas, teoría de géneros y escritura creativa para dar lugar a proyectos experimentales, sino que también invita a perspectivas y voces diversas, ofreciendo un futuro prometedor para el campo.


Aquest article té com a objectiu investigar la relació entre l'escriptura creativa i el cànon literari. La qüestió principal és si el cànon occidental pot ser una font de coneixement i una oportunitat per a l’experimentació. És fonamental avui dia que l’escriptura creativa emergisca com un discurs públic que intervinga en l’esfera pública sobre qüestions polítiques i socials greus que afecten les societats contemporànies. També és important dirigir la mirada cap a l’obra mateixa, la seua poètica i la seua ideologia. El seu nou paper pressuposa una poètica de taller que entrarà en conflicte amb el discurs establert de la literatura de masses i redefinirà les formes d’assimilar els valors culturals del passat (coneixement) i del present (experiència i reflexió). En aquest article, proposem un nou model pedagògic inclusiu d’escriptura creativa que no sols sistematitza models anteriors i vincula crítica, crítica sobre obres canòniques, teoria de gèneres i escriptura creativa per donar lloc a projectes experimentals, sinó que també convida perspectives i veus diverses, oferint un futur prometedor per al camp.



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Author Biography

Dimos Chloptsioudis, PhD Candicate in Creative Writing and Literary Criticism at the University of Western Macedonia  

Dimos Chloptsioudis lives in Thessaloniki. He is a PhD candidate in Creative Writing and Literary Criticism, an MEd in Creative Writing and a poet. He writes essays and poetry reviews. His reviews are hosted on various electronic pages (,, and elsewhere). His studies and essays are published in the magazines Mandragoras , Eneken , Sisyphus etc. He has participated in numerous literary activities and festivals. He is a scientific counselor in the International Poetry Festival of Serres. His poems have been published on websites and literary magazines. With four (4) poetry collections under his belt, his works have been translated into English, German, and Spanish, reaching a global audience. His contributions have also been recognized in various anthologies, solidifying his place in the literary world. He also teaches Creative Writing to students and adults. He was a key member of the action "Come with a Poem" for the celebration of World Poetry Day in Western Thessaloniki. He inspired the action "Poetic lectern" in the municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos. He has been a member or president of various critic committees of adult or student poetry competitions (student poetry competition in the Municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos, Larnaka student poetry competition in the framework of the International Festival, in the poetry competition of Kozani, or other panhellenic competitions). Most proud of all his other participations, however, he is for his teaching presence (in Creative Writing) at the Second Chance School of Diavata prison.    



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