Exploring the Value of Picturebooks: Enhancing Literacy Development and Content Exploration through a Three-Lens Approach






This article presents an innovative three-lens approach to utilizing picturebooks, emphasizing their role beyond early learning tools to dynamic resources for a comprehensive education. This approach, comprising content-area, readerly, and writerly lenses, allows educators to fully leverage picturebooks to enhance content exploration, develop reading skills, and foster writing proficiency across various age groups and disciplines. Drawing on various scholarly perspectives and practical classroom applications, including using Ada’s Violin as an example, the authors illustrate how picturebooks can deepen students’ understanding of complex subjects, bolster foundational reading skills, and inspire creative writing. The article also provides guidance on selecting high-quality picturebooks that align with curriculum standards and resonate culturally and emotionally with students. Educators can create a more engaging, inclusive, and effective learning environment by tapping into the educational wealth of picturebooks and integrating these lenses.


Este artículo presenta un innovador enfoque de tres perspectivas para el uso de los álbumes ilustrados, destacando su papel más allá de ser herramientas de aprendizaje temprano para convertirse en recursos dinámicos para una educación integral. Este enfoque, que incluye las perspectivas de contenido, lectora y escritora, permite a las personas educadoras aprovechar plenamente los álbumes ilustrados para potenciar la exploración de contenidos, desarrollar habilidades de lectura y fomentar la competencia en escritura a través de diferentes grupos de edad y disciplinas. Basándose en diversas perspectivas académicas y aplicaciones prácticas en el aula, incluido el uso de El violín de Ada como ejemplo, los autores ilustran cómo los álbumes ilustrados pueden profundizar la comprensión de temas complejos, reforzar las habilidades fundamentales de lectura e inspirar la escritura creativa. El artículo también ofrece orientación para seleccionar álbumes ilustrados de calidad que se alineen con los estándares curriculares y conecten cultural y emocionalmente con los estudiantes. Al aprovechar la riqueza educativa de los álbumes ilustrados e integrar estas perspectivas, los educadores pueden crear un entorno de aprendizaje más atractivo, inclusivo y efectivo..


Aquest article presenta un innovador enfocament des d’un triple acostament a l’ús dels àlbums il·lustrats, destacant el seu paper més enllà de ser eines d’aprenentatge primerenc per convertir-se en recursos dinàmics per a una educació integral. Aquest enfocament, que inclou les perspectives de contingut, lectora i escriptora, permet a les persones educadores aprofitar plenament els àlbums il·lustrats per potenciar l’exploració de continguts, desenvolupar habilitats de lectura i fomentar la competència en escriptura a través de diferents grups d’edat i disciplines. Basant-se en diverses perspectives acadèmiques i aplicacions pràctiques a l’aula, incloent-hi l’ús de El violí d’Ada (Ada’s violin) com a exemple, els autors il·lustren com els àlbums il·lustrats poden aprofundir en la comprensió d’assumptes complexos, reforçar les habilitats fonamentals de lectura i inspirar l’escriptura creativa. L’article també ofereix orientació per seleccionar àlbums il·lustrats de qualitat que s’alineen amb els estàndards curriculars i que connecten culturalment i emocionalment amb els estudiants. Mitjançant l’aprofitament de la riquesa educativa dels àlbums il·lustrats i la integració d’aquestes perspectives, els educadors poden crear un entorn d’aprenentatge més atractiu, inclusiu i efectiu.


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Biografies de l'autor/a

Jennifer K. Allen, University of West Georgia

Dr. Jennifer K. Allen began her career in higher education in 2016 at the University of West Georgia where she is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Literacy and Special Education. Jennifer earned her PhD in Language and Literacy Education at the University of Georgia (2016). Prior to earning her PhD, Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Georgia (2003) and a Master's Degree in Reading Instruction from the University of West Georgia (2010). In addition, she holds endorsements for Gifted Education, ESOL, and Reading Instruction. Before she became a full-time faculty member at UWG, Jennifer taught at the elementary school level for ten years, working in second, fourth, and fifth grade classrooms as well as in the gifted resource setting. Professionally, Jennifer enjoys teaching literacy education courses, and her research interests include university-school partnerships, culturally and linguistically diverse learners, writing pedagogy, and children's literature. Jennifer is married to Justin Allen, and they have two children, Carter and Julia.

Robert A. Griffin, University of West Georgia

Dr. Robert A. Griffin is an associate professor, assistant department chair, and program coordinator in the Department of Early Childhood through Secondary Education at the University of West Georgia, where he teaches graduate-level courses in literacy education, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), and diversity/inclusive education. Before moving into higher education full-time, he served as a secondary English and English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher for 13 years in rural south and urban north Georgia public schools. Dr. Griffin’s primary research interests involve exploring reading motivation and achievement for bi/multilingual students, striving readers, and “at-promise” student groups and challenging deficit-oriented paradigms related to the skills and talents of diverse learners. In addition to serving as co-editor of the Georgia Journal of Literacy (and former senior co-editor of GATESOL Journal ), Dr. Griffin serves on editorial review boards for several journals in the fields of literacy education and TESOL. Dr. Griffin has published articles on topics ranging from quantitative analyses of reading motivation among adolescent native-Spanish-speakers to pedagogical pieces on authentic writing instruction and morphological awareness for culturally and linguistically diverse students. His work has appeared in journals such as Reading Psychology , the Journal of Latinos and Education , and the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy .

Bethany L. Scullin, University of West Georgia

Dr. Bethany L. Scullin began her career at the University of West Georgia in August of 2017, where she is an Associate Professor of Literacy in the Department of Early Childhood through Secondary Education. Bethany earned her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with Specializations in Literacy and Urban Education at Kent State University (2010-2014). Before coming to UWG, Bethany taught for ten years in southwest Florida in second, third, fourth, and fifth grade. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education (K-6) and Special Education (K-12) from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania (2000) and a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of South Florida (2008). In addition to serving as co-editor of the Georgia Journal of Literacy, Dr. Scullin serves as Chair of the Georgia Association of Literacy Advocates (GALA), a state affiliate of the International Literacy Association (ILA). She is the current editor of FOCUS, the bi-yearly newsletter of the Georgia Association of Literacy Advocates, and she serves as an appointed member of the Notable Books for a Global Society book award committee. Her line of research investigates how preservice teachers engage in race talk through self-reflection and discussion utilizing diverse children’s literature in order to normalize talking about race in their future elementary classrooms. Dr. Scullin’s work has appeared in journals such as the  Middle School Journal, Texas Journal of Literacy Education, and Reading Psychology .

Hayley Harmon, Hamilton County School District, Chattanooga, TN, USA

Ms. Hayley Harmon is a former undergraduate student at the University of West Georgia, where she completed the B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education program. She serves as a pre-K teacher at Harrison Elementary School in the Hamilton County School District in Chattanooga, TN, USA.



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