Shaping Minds, Shifting Perspectives: Investigating the Evolution of Preservice Teachers' Attitudes Towards Children's Literature




This study followed 44 undergraduate preservice teachers’ (PSTs’) evolving attitudes towards children’s literature in a required course. Initially, numerous PSTs exhibited negative attitudes toward certain genres which often stemmed from negative experiences during their K-12 education. However, the results indicate that through deliberate and strategic exposure, the PST’s attitudes evolved towards a greater appreciation and openness to incorporating a diverse range of children’s literature, in various genres, into their teaching. This points to the necessity for teacher preparation instructors to remediate PSTs’ earlier negative experiences with children's literature while nurturing their shifting attitudes through positive exposure to the different genres.


Este estudio siguió la evolución de las actitudes de 44 estudiantes de magisterio hacia la literatura infantil en un curso obligatorio. Inicialmente, numerosos estudiantes mostraban actitudes negativas hacia ciertos géneros, a menudo debido a experiencias negativas durante su educación K-12 (Primaria). Sin embargo, los resultados indican que, a través de una exposición deliberada y estratégica, las actitudes de los estudiantes evolucionaron hacia una mayor apreciación y apertura para incorporar una gama diversa de literatura infantil, en varios géneros, en su enseñanza. Esto subraya la necesidad de que los instructores de preparación de maestros remedien las experiencias negativas previas de los estudiantes con la literatura infantil mientras fomentan sus actitudes cambiantes mediante una exposición positiva a los diferentes géneros.


Aquest estudi va seguir l'evolució de les actituds de 44 estudiants del grau de Magisteri cap a la literatura infantil en un curs obligatori. Inicialment, nombrosos estudiants mostraven actituds negatives envers certs gèneres, sovint a causa d'experiències negatives durant la seva educació K-12 (Primària). No obstant això, els resultats indiquen que, mitjançant una exposició deliberada i estratègica, les actituds dels estudiants van evolucionar cap a una major apreciació i obertura per incorporar una àmplia gamma de literatura infantil, en diversos gèneres, en la seua docència. Això subratlla la necessitat que els instructors de preparació de mestres subsanen les experiències negatives prèvies dels estudiants amb la literatura infantil mentre fomenten les seues actituds canviants a través d'una exposició positiva als diferents gèneres.


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Biografía del autor/a

Gina M Doepker, The University of Texas at Tyler

Gina M. Doepker is an associate professor in the School of Education at The University of Texas at Tyler. She received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in Literacy Education (2007). She currently is the M.Ed. in Reading Program Coordinator and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in literacy education. Doepker’s research interests include dyslexia screening and intervention, students that struggle with reading and writing, reading motivation, using alternative texts (i.e. graphic novels & comic books) during literacy instruction to increase children’s reading and writing skills, and service learning to enhance preservice teachers’ literacy content knowledge and implementation of reading and writing strategies instruction.

Annamary L Consalvo, The University of Texas at Tyler

Annamary L. Consalvo is a professor of literacy at The University of Texas at Tyler and teaches courses in teacher preparation and research methods, is past-chari of NCTE's Standing Committee Against Censorship, and is currently a facilitator in NCTE's This Story Matters Teacher Corps. A former English teacher, her research interests include the teaching of writing, ways in which preservice teachers' learning is best supported, and ways in which young adult literature can be used to open essential conversations.



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