La polifonia de gèneres i d'estils en «Tirant lo Blanch» i el problema de la seva adequada traducció al rus
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Tirant lo Blanch, traducció al rus de Tirant lo BlanchResum
In respect to the Batkinian approaches on the creation of the novel, Maria A. Abràmova uses the opposition between Utopia and reality to highlight the modernity of a work such as Tirant lo Blanch. The episode on which she bases her analysis is the appearance of King Arthur in a cage during the celebrations in Constantinople and the similarities between this and Guillem de Torroella's Faula. In the second part of the study, the Russian philologist considers the difficulties of adapting the language and the cultural issues of the medieval Catalan universe which is completely different from the Russian tradition. Therefore she proposes that the translators base their task on models of previous medieval Catalan translations, which is impossible to carry out, since there are no such translations from Catalan into Russian. In this case the solution appears to be the adoption of similar criteria as in the translation from French into Russian, although this may have several disadvantages.Descàrregues
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