El potencial de los museos marítimos para la educación patrimonial


  • Cláudia Garradas PhD Candidate - Heritage Studies - Museology CITCEM | Transdisciplinary Research Center "Culture, Space and Memory" Faculty of Arts and Humanities | University of Porto, Portugal https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7570-1969
  • Alice Semedo Associate Professor (Museology) MA, PhD Museum Studies  http://up-pt.academia.edu/AliceSemedo http://blogterritorioscolaborativos.tumblr.com CITCEM | Transdisciplinary Research Center "Culture, Space and Memory" Faculty of Arts and Humanities | University of Porto, Portugal https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8308-0971



Palabras clave:

Educación, patrimonio, museos marítimos, inclusión, diversidad cultural


Los museos marítimos permiten integrar diversas perspectivas y enfoques en el estudio de la cultura e historia marítimas. Este trabajo presenta un análisis cualitativo de los programas educativos de tres museos de la región mediterránea: el Museo Marítimo Galata de Génova (Italia), el Museo Marítimo de Barcelona (España) y el Museo Marítimo de Haifa (Israel). Esta investigación evalúa su potencial como agentes para la educación patrimonial y para el aprendizaje sobre historia, cultura y ciencia marítimas. La región mediterránea, con su historia marinera y diversidad cultural y étnica, constituye un lugar ideal para que estos museos actúen como plataformas de aprendizaje sobre la importancia del mar en la civilización y para abordar los retos a los que se enfrenta la región. Con este estudio subrayamos la importancia de promover la educación a través del patrimonio cultural en los museos y su potencial para facilitar la inclusión y el diálogo sobre la diversidad cultural. 


Biografía del autor/a

Cláudia Garradas, PhD Candidate - Heritage Studies - Museology CITCEM | Transdisciplinary Research Center "Culture, Space and Memory" Faculty of Arts and Humanities | University of Porto, Portugal

Cláudia Garradas is a PhD candidate in Heritage Studies – Museology at the University of Porto, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, with a scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal. Between September 2021 and September 2022, she worked at the Malta Maritime Museum as Archive and Museum Collections Manager. Between March 2016 and June 2021, she was the Site Director for the Malta Study Center at Hill Museum and Manuscript Library. Previously, she held the position of Head Curator of the Fine Arts Museum of the University of Porto (1997-2013).

She completed her bachelor’s in Art History (1998), a two-year specialisation in Museum Studies (2000), and her Master´s degree in Museum and Curatorial Studies (2007), all at the University of Porto. Claudia Garradas has vast experience as a curator and collections manager acquired over 25 years. During this period, she was responsible for research, inventory, cataloguing, and documentation of museum collections and archival material. She curated exhibitions and was responsible for educational programs. Since 2017 she has been a part-time visiting lecturer at the University of Malta for the Department of Library and Archive Sciences and the Department of History. In 2022 she was invited to be on the board of examiners for an MA Thesis at the Institute of Mediterranean Studies at the University of Malta.

Alice Semedo, Associate Professor (Museology) MA, PhD Museum Studies  http://up-pt.academia.edu/AliceSemedo http://blogterritorioscolaborativos.tumblr.com CITCEM | Transdisciplinary Research Center "Culture, Space and Memory" Faculty of Arts and Humanities | University of Porto, Portugal

Alice Semedo - Associate Professor (Museology) at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP), member of the Department of Heritage Sciences and Techniques (DCTP), integrated researcher and Coordinator of the Research Group “Education and Societal Challenges” at CITCEM - Center for Transdisciplinary Research on Culture, Space and Memory at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. Ma and PhD in Museum Studies, University of Leicester (UK). Among other functions, I have acted as Director of Studies for the MA (2003-13; 2023- ) and for the PhD (2013-2018) in Museology at FLUP where I have been teaching since 1994. I have participated in different research projects, edited, published and organized conferences and supervised more than 3 dozen MA Dissertations, 10 Doctoral Theses and 3 funded post-Doctoral projects on topics related to my interests, such as, museological narratives and discourses, professional identities in museums, museum mediations and education politics and practices, or the missions of museums in the contemporary world. I am currently involved in the I&D project EPITEC2 on "Heritage education and controversial topics" and the COST Network Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change. As a researcher, I also currently work alongside the education project "Lugar Project - Projects Factory" created by the Modern Art Centre of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.


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Cómo citar

Garradas, C., & Semedo, A. (2023). El potencial de los museos marítimos para la educación patrimonial. Didáctica De Las Ciencias Experimentales Y Sociales, (44), 51–70. https://doi.org/10.7203/dces.44.26418
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