Rosa Chacel: Subtle networks, marginality and exile
Rosa Chacel, transhemispheric relations, republican exile, marginalities
Within the Republican exile in America, Rosa Chacel built a self-image detached from the heroic representation that characterized the discourse of other exiled writers. First of all, we argue that her in a sense marginal position did not prevent it from tunning-in, during the 1940s and 1950s, with an Argentine narrative strand that privileged the uncanny and, furthermore, allow it to establish subtle networks with artists and leading writers of the Argentine cultural field during the first two decades of her exile in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires (Norah Borges, Elvira Orphée and Silvina Ocampo). Secondly, we come to a stop and interpret the valuation of the exiled writer made by some young Spanish and Argentine writers during the 1970s and 1980s.
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