The Theater and its pedagogical approach as a compulsory subject in the Argentine school curriculum: Federal Law of Education of 1993
theater, educational reforms, artistic education, pedagogical approachesAbstract
In Argentina, the Theater was incorporated as a compulsory subject in a provincial reform in 1988 with the Resolution of the School Government No. 386/88. Subsequently, the Federal Law of Education sanctioned in 1993, extended the presence of the Artistic Area (and within it the Theater) nationwide throughout the educational system (EGB and Polimodal). Finally, the National Law of Education of 2006, consolidated the presence of Artistic Education giving it epistemological importance and guaranteeing it as a modality of termination of secondary studies. If we take into account that educational reforms, such as public policies, produce substantial variations in the didactic model of the subjects, it is to be expected that each reform has had an impact on the pedagogical approach and the didactic model of Theater as a subject. This article focuses on the educational reform of 1993, (Federal Law of Education No. 24,195) to describe the socio-political context and identify what is the epistemological paradigm that prescribes Art Education and what is the didactic model of Theater as a subject that is it emerges from him.
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