Towards an Archive of Trans Lives in the Spanish Silver Age
Silver Age, Hispanic Literatures, Trans Studies, Trans Historicities, LGBTI Archive
In this article, and in the context of the recovery of trans memory in our country in recent decades, we take a first look at the Spanish trans lives of the so-called Silver Age (1902-1936). This period, little researched in Hispanic studies from the perspective of Trans Studies, offers interesting textualities that are essential to trace a genealogy. For our investigation we present, in the first place, the methodological approach, focusing on the search terminology used in the bibliographic and newspaper repositories, and on the fields in which the primary sources could be found. Next, we classify the resulting corpus around three thematic nuclei: medicine and criminology, the world of star impersonators and entertainment, and literature. In each section we analyze the selected texts and problematize different aspects of trans representation in those years. We also give an account of the possible interrelationships between them and the keys they provide for understanding and working on a Spanish trans cultural history.
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