The Training of Researchers with Digital Technologies: a Systematic Review of Specialised Literature
Digital Technologies, Postgraduate Studies, Research Training, Educative Technology, Systematic Review
Higher education is one of the types of education most influenced by digital technologies. This situation, while presenting several advantages, also imposes many challenges. Higher education in Mexico is made up of three levels: senior technician, graduate and postgraduate. In postgraduate studies it is where budding researchers are mean to be properly trained. However, there is no abundant literature on the challenges that digital technologies impose to train budding researchers in a relatively short period of time (from one to four years). This documentary study applied the research method called Systematic Review to identify the most relevant findings that specialists have analysed about the use of digital technologies by budding researchers in training. The Systematic Review was carried out in four phases: documentary search in scientific databases, description of the inclusion and exclusion criteria of texts, analysis and categorization and, finally, discussion and proposal. The most relevant results suggest that researchers in training deal with several problems when using digital technologies, such as: the inappropriate preparation of workspaces for the production of knowledge; the need to generate spontaneous articulations between the available, current and interoperable digital tools; and the inappropriate configuration of research networks, among others. Finally, we propose a process of use of the digital technologies that works with three stages during the researcher's training: preparation, use and distribution.
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