Preliminary design of an Initial Test of Integrated Skills within TRADILEX: an ongoing project on the validity of audiovisual translation tools in teaching English




foreign language teaching, mediation, instrument design, language assessment, integrated skills


This article shows the preliminary design process for a tailor-made Initial Test of Integrated Skills (ITIS) specially adapted to the needs of TRADILEX, a project (2020-2023) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities to study the scope and validity of using audiovisual translation (AVT) tools to develop communicative competence in a foreign language. We also design a complete virtual AVT-based teaching platform that will help to promote faster and better EFL learning. In this paper we present one of the project’s initial stages, i.e. the ITIS design and the methodological framework for the design process from draft stage to final product. The draft pilot ITIS was tested by specialists, who produced a series of reports and anticipated several potential problems that occurred when the test was carried out. We pay special attention to the changes and improvements made to the draft ITIS as well as its three-stage process and remedial measures. The validity of the ITIS is currently being tested with a pilot group. The ITIS will be complemented with a Final Test of Integrated Skills (FITIS), which is currently underway.


Author Biographies

Pilar Couto-Cantero, Universidad de A Coruña. España.

Pilar Couto-Cantero, PhD.?is a Faculty Member and full-time Senior Lecturer at University of A Coruña (UDC) (North-Western Spain). She has been the Modern Languages Academic Coordinator in the Postgraduate and Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) (2010-2015).? Head of?the Teaching and Learning Modern Languages Department?(2014-2017)?and at present, she?is Academic Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Modern Languages Section at the DIDES & MIDE Department. She teaches various subjects in the Undergraduate Programmes and also in the PGCE Postgraduate/Master/Doctoral Programmes at this and other Universities. She?is Principal Researcher at DILEC Research Group, Head of the?International Journal DIGILEC, and external examiner and/or supervisor in various Doctoral Thesis Programmes (DIT, Dublin; Stanford, CA).?Her research fields are focused on Plurilingual and Intercultural Education, CLIL, TEFL, and she is also carrying out her own research based on the "Transpodidactics model” (Couto-Cantero, 2014)?about fictional texts and their?possibilities for learning languages.

Mariona Sabaté-Carrové, Universitat de Lleida. España.

Mariona Sabaté-Carrové - University lecturer at the Department of English and Linguistics (University of Lleida). Teaches translation and English as a Foreign Language subjects in degree and master courses. Currently a member of the TRADILEX Project on audiovisual translation as a didactic resource in foreign language teaching, and a member of the Consolidar Project (UNC) on processing, translating, and comprehending relative clauses (Group of Cognitive Psychology of language and psycholinguistics).

María Carmen Gómez Pérez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. España.

María Carmen Gómez Pérez es profesora ayudante doctora en el Área de Traducción e Interpretación del Dpto. de Estudios Románicos, Franceses, Italianos y Traducción de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Es licenciada en Filología Germánica por la Universidad de Salamanca y cuenta con un título de postgrado en Traducción Audiovisual y Localización por el ISTRAD-Universidad de Cádiz. Es doctora por la Universidad de Salamanca y se ha especializado en el ámbito de la didáctica de la traducción con acento especial en la identificación y terapia de errores en el proceso de aprendizaje, tanto en traducción general como en traducción audiovisual. Es miembro del grupo de investigación (UCM) Aplicaciones de las Tecnologías a la Traducción y su Docencia, del  grupo de innovación docente  ARENA (UNED): Accesibilidad, tRaducción audiovisual y aprendizaje de lenguAs (UNED) y en la actualidad forma parte del proyecto de investigación I+D+i TRADILEX.


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How to Cite

Couto-Cantero, P., Sabaté-Carrové, M., & Gómez Pérez, M. C. (2021). Preliminary design of an Initial Test of Integrated Skills within TRADILEX: an ongoing project on the validity of audiovisual translation tools in teaching English. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives, (27), 73–88.
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