The Digital Gender Gap and Teaching of Natural Hazards in the training of Social Sciences Teachers
Teacher training, teaching digital competence, natural risks, Information and communications technology, Learning and Knowledge Technologies
The current hyper-technified context points to the need to have digital competences, which train the citizens of the 21st century. For this purpose, it becomes essential to train future teachers in methodologies that take into account the correct inclusion of information and communication technologies in their classrooms. In the area of social sciences, together with digital competences, there is a need for training in content related to natural hazards, which provides the population with resources and knowledge in the face of catastrophes of this type. The purpose of this work is to show the perception that teachers in training have in relation to their digital lite- racy and their knowledge to teach natural hazards with technology. An exploratory and descriptive methodology has been used based on a Likert scale questionnaire. The sample is made up of 224 Primary Education degree and Secondary Education master’s students from two Spanish universities. The results indicate that there is little use of ICT during the training stage of future teachers. Likewise, the data show a lack of knowledge of the application of GIS and GIT resources in school classrooms and the perception of little training in these tools to prepare specific tasks that address content related to natural hazards. On the contrary, there is a positive opinion about the importance of training in these resources for teaching territorial problems such as floods.
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