No. 5(12/2022): EXTRÊME/S

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The fifth issue of the journal HYBRIDA contains the Dossier EXTRÊME/S, coordinated by Fabio Libasci. It is composed of four articles from Côte d'Ivoire, Finland and France. They deal with the work of writers Azo Vauguy, Koffi Kwahulé and Hélène Cixous; and film-makers interested in the Chinatown district of Paris. In the Mosaic section, we also publish four very interesting articles from Morocco and Spain. They deal with the historical figure of Mostafa Al-Azemmouri or Estevanico, the dichotomy of integration/integrity in the work of Fouad Laroui, the 'Batouala affair' (Prix Goncourt 1921) and the hybridisations of the animal-woman in Boris Vian. In the Traces section, we publish three contributions: the fragmentary narrative restos de barrios by Lula Carballo, the photographic document [TIMESCAPES] by Alexandre Melay and a rich interview with the writer Laura Alcoba. We inaugurate the Fan section with a full review of the essay Planète en ébullition. Écologie, féminisme et responsabilité by Laurence Hansen-Løve.

Published: 2022-12-27