Paraguayan Students’ Adaptation to Emergency Remote Education due to COVID-19




Remote virtual education, ICT, pandemic, students


In 2020, education underwent significant changes due to COVID-19, requiring all educational stakeholders to adapt to virtual learning to salvage the academic year. This paper examines the experiences of high school and university students during this period. The study was conducted in two phases: the initial weeks of the transition to virtual learning and the final two months of the year. The findings revealed notable transformations in technological access, particularly outside the capital. The use of computers increased, and internet usage grew across all sectors and regions. Communication platforms also experienced widespread adoption. However, students faced various challenges during ICT-mediated learning. Common difficulties included task comprehension, time constraints, and internet connectivity issues. Despite these obstacles, students' satisfaction with ICT for learning purposes increased by the end of 2020. This indicates their resilience and adaptability in embracing technology to continue their education amidst adversity. The study emphasizes the need for ongoing support and resources to address these challenges, including improving task understanding, allowing sufficient time for completion, and addressing connectivity issues. Moreover, the growing satisfaction observed toward the end of the year suggests the potential for lasting changes in educational practices. It is crucial to capitalize on this transformation and effectively integrate technology into future teaching and learning approaches. By acknowledging the hurdles faced and leveraging the lessons learned, education can be adapted to better meet students' needs, fostering an inclusive and dynamic learning environment in an uncertain future. 


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Author Biographies

Valentina Canese Caballero, Universidad Nacional de Asunción

Directora Instituto Superior de Lenguas Facultad de Filosofía

Juan Ignacio Mereles Aquino, Universidad Nacional de Asunción

Departamento de Educación a Distancia Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales


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How to Cite

Canese Caballero, V., & Mereles Aquino, J. I. (2023). Paraguayan Students’ Adaptation to Emergency Remote Education due to COVID-19. Revista De Sociología De La Educación-RASE, 16(3), 244–262.
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