Fear and Shiver: before and after Film Horror in Videogames


  • Diego Maté Universidad de Buenos Aires




Videogame, cinema, horror, enunciation, survival horror.


Videogame maintains all kinds of exchanges with cinema. Terror is a particularly interesting field in attending to the dialogues, the ups and downs and the silences between the two media. In the 80s, videogames works with iconographies and motifs of cinematic terror. Precarious attempts to imitate forms of shock typical of the genre in cinema are noticeable, without an appropriation of the resources of cinema language or the establishment of a proper genre. The growth of 3D graphic engines in the 90s allows to replicate resources of film language. The operation condensing such transformation is the jumpscare, the element that modeled the enunciation of the genre. Survival horror is consolidated as the first stable form of videoludic terror After 2010, videogame enters a new phase and practices shock strategies outside its relationship with cinema. Some games abandon three-dimensional realism and cinematographic resources to return to previous stylistic developments and explore the uncertain register and vacillation of the fantastic. Each stage brings together textual strategies that mobilize, on the level of enunciation, different forms of shock. Cinematographic terror functions as a production mode for the first two phases, while the third one refers back to the mediatic past of videogame, seeking there the expressive supplies for the deployment of new forms of shock.


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Author Biography

Diego Maté, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Diego Maté has a degree in Art Criticism, a Master’s Degree in Art Criticism and Dissemination of the Arts, and is a PhD candidate in Art at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes (Universidad de Buenos Aires). His doctoral thesis deals with the crossovers and exchanges between videogame and the field of the arts. He teaches the courses “Semiotics and Theories of Communication” and “General Semiotics”, and is the lead investigator of the research group “Videogame, Game and Game Studies” (IIEAC). He works as a film critic, collaborates in publications such as Revista Cultural Ñ , A Sala Llena , Perro Blanco and runs the film critic site Cinemarama .


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How to Cite

Maté, D. (2020). Fear and Shiver: before and after Film Horror in Videogames. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 20, 133–146. https://doi.org/10.7203/eutopias.20.19394
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