Brutal Hook-up. Osvaldo Lamborghini, (visual) artist




Archive, new materialisms, authorship, residuality, visual turn.


In the 80s, Osvaldo Lamborghini produced what could be called his “visual work”: drawings made with markers, pens and other school supplies, exquisite collages made with out-of-date pornographic publications, plasters composed of dubious materials. The Teatro proletario de cámara and the “objectual” work (cigarette cases, boxes, notebook covers that he later used a little, until he got bored and moved on to the next) dates from these years. His passion for the materiality of the signifier and the literality that palpitates in his writing finds a new path in this task that occupies him during his last years in Barcelona. This essay addresses this production, with the conviction that this archive composed by images and objects does not reveal an anecdotal and parallel task, but a brutal hook-up between writing and visuality that refocuses Lamborghini’s poetics within the framework of the expanded field opened by the avant-garde of the second part of the 20th century.


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Author Biography

Paola Cortes Rocca, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas / UNA-Untref

Paola Cortes Rocca is an essayist, researcher and cultural critic specialized in the intersection between writing and visuality. She earned her Ph.D. from Princeton University and did her postdoctoral studies at the University of Southern California with a fellowship from the Mellon Foundation. She taught at USC and at San Francisco SU where she was Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages. She currently lives in Argentina and has a research position at CONICET and also is a professor at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Her book El tiempo de la máquina: retratos, paisajes y otras imágenes de la nación explores the impact of photography on the late-19th-century Latin American cultural field. A translator of Boris Groys, Jonathan Crary and Timothy Morton, she is also the author of essays that address photography and literature from issues such as landscape and residuality, ghosts and political imagination, activism and performativity. She participates in the network “Archives in Transition. Collective memories and subaltern uses” integrated by Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre, and the National University of Tres de Febrero, among others. Since 2016, she has been a member of the group of feminist activists Ni Una Menos.


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OLn. Traducción de Ben Bollig (inglés), Hannes Sättele (alemán), Guillaume Contré (francés), Raul Schenardi (italiano) y Ariadna García (portugués). Prólogo y coordinación de Agustina Pérez. Buenos Aires: Fadel & Fadel, 2020.


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— “Pornoliteral”. El sexo que habla. Osvaldo Lamborghini. Barcelona: MACBA, 2015, pp. 107-152.


Pérez, Agustina. La retombée de la materialidad en la obra de Osvaldo Lamborghini (1969-1985): lo escrito, lo visual, lo objetual. Tesis de doctorado en Teoría comparada de las artes. Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Tres de febrero, 2022.


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How to Cite

Cortes Rocca, P. (2023). Brutal Hook-up. Osvaldo Lamborghini, (visual) artist. EU-topías. A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies, 25, 99–108.
  • Abstract
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