Poetry in Circulation - Politicized Aesthetics between Exhibition, Documentation and Lecture in the Latin American Southern Cone
poesía experimental, Cono Sur, red transnacional, poesía política, performance, revista ensamblada, experimentación poéticaAbstract
This essay analyzes the development of experimental poetry practices as a transnational movement in the Souther Cone region in Latin America. It focuses on the three poets/artists Clemente Padín, Guillermo Deisler and Edgardo Antonio Vigo, and proceeds in a genealogical manner with special attention to key moments. I argue that both, the transnational network of poets and the specific materiality of experimental poetry, determine its mobile character. This poetic practice is in constant transformation and thus occupies different spaces –those of exhibition, of collection and documentation and of their lecture. It oscillates between individual and collective reception. The political dimension of this poetry operates like an internal and external force at the same time on both levels, thematic and productive.
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