Image Readers in Times of Revolution: Descomedidos y chascones (1973) by Carlos Flores
Carlos Flores, Chilean cinema, Popular Unity, mass mediaAbstract
This article studies the film Descomedidos y chascones (1973) by Carlos Flores. Divided in three parts, the film is dedicated to exploring diverse sectors of Chilean youth and their relationship to mass media during Popular Unity. The second part of Flores’ work, which will be the principal focus of this study, presents four groups of young people who may be considered “filmic readers”: they are presented with image sequences of other young people that they are then to discuss and interpret on camera. Two of these groups of spectators are comprised of young textile workers and pobladores. I propose that these workers and pobladores in the film participate in the same kinds of critical processes related to hegemonic culture that Flores and his film crew seek to impress upon viewers. By featuring these members of the working class with a high degree of political consciousness in his educational activities, Flores is able to signal the worker as the ideal “reader” and militant of the future.
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