Propedeutics and practice of research in Methodology programs of undergraduate Sociology degrees in Argentina and other Latin American countries
research, Higher Education, methodology, sociology, propedeutics
In this article we discuss the teaching programs of Research Methodology subjects imparted in undergraduate Sociology degrees, mainly in Argentina (2018). Starting with questions about how research is taught, we analyzed programs as documents that develop and deliver information on formative practices and discourses. While these programs are by no means classroom practices, they provide significant information and help to increase the sample compared to observation in situ. Our results are divided into two axes: variations in teaching proposals and ways of understanding research practices. The corpus we analyzed reflects a broad consensus on the discursive level around the idea “You learn to investigate by investigating”. However, the extent and modes of the practical application of theoretical knowledge appear to depend on which topics need teaching. The most concrete techniques and operations are those that appear most related to their practical implementation. However, these techniques and operations are not always taught by framing them within a comprehensive investigative study. We highlight the importance of taking into account the conceptions about what is research and what is practice. We conclude that, since there are contradictory opinions on the teaching of social research methodology, the range of teaching approaches reflects these tensions and meets the various challenges in different ways.
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