Perspectives feministes i ecofeministes sobre els sabers pedagògics per a imaginar la transició eco-social



Ecological transition, eco-social transition, female knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, ecofeminism, feminist epistemologies.


Environmental collapse and the crisis of civilisation are leading,

inevitably, to an ecological and eco-social transition that

has been brought into greater focus, in the wider public consciousness,

with the recent Covid-19 pandemic. But what are

the visions and frameworks that will inform this shift towards

new paradigms and models of shared existence?

The solutions put forward to effect such ecological transition

tend to amount to either technological remedies or increased

economic investment, both of which are necessary, of course,

but not in themselves sufficient to engender profound cultural



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Author Biography

Antonia De Vita, Università di Verona

Dipartimento di Scienze Umane


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How to Cite

De Vita, A. (2024). Perspectives feministes i ecofeministes sobre els sabers pedagògics per a imaginar la transició eco-social. QUADERNS D’EDUCACIÓ CONTINUA, (51), 63–72. Retrieved from
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