Salvador Elizondo: A Philology of the Image
Literatures of the world, Salvador Elizondo, postphilology, anarchivism, image.Abstract
The same year that Salvador Elizondo releases his film Apocalypse 1900, which will remain archived in cans until 2007, he also publishes Farabeuf o la crónica de un instante. This survival and recovery of the film archive illuminates the literary text and allows us to see what was always there: Farabeuf is not only an intermediate book –which incorporates and reflects on images– or an experimental book that takes Bataillean aesthetics to its ultimate consequences, but, above all, an intervention in the archives of modernity, a montage-writing that intervenes in and from certain archives that define modernity. This paper proposes to analyze Elizondo’s novel and film from these postulations, trying to think about the place of his intervention in Latin American literature and the arts of the twentieth century from a postphilological and anarchivistic perspective.
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