For is not against; against is for. Poetry and communication today
Spanish poetry, Communication, Language, María Salgado, Lucía Boscá, Su Xiaoxiao, Ruth LlanaAbstract
This article will tackle the implications that the communication model has had as a defining and exclusive feature of recent Spanish poetry. In these pages we will consider a genesis of the dichotomous categories’ construction to analyze the literary panorama in Spanish language, as well as the resultant problems associated with this form of analysis. In addition, the article intends to highlight the complexity of the poetic communication and to show some discursive practices that take advantage of their possibilities. Thus, if we understand communication as another characteristic to be found in the poem, we will present the different changes that are taking place in the writing of poetry as well as its criticism in the present work of four poets (Maria Salgado, Lucia Boscá, Su Xiaoxiao and Ruth Llana) and their poetics.
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