The withstood voices in the inhabitants and the other “remains”: some notes about poetic of the bodies in the neoliberal city and the contemporary crisis


  • Cristina Tamames Gala Universidade de Santiago de Compostela



Spanish Literature, Memory, Neoliberalism, Contemporary Poetry, Urban Space, Crisis, Resistance, Policies.


Focusing on the art and the social context in this essay, it explores how the poetic voices of the inhabitants of the city tells about the crisis which resulted in the implementation of policies in Spain in 2008, taking the affected spaces and converting them into strongholds for resistance. The (re)definition of different zones and spaces means a relevant dialect in that process which shakes the dignity of the bodies. “No longer made of ruins but of remains” correlates to the echoes of “(re)construction” of the city changes. A small selection of the works by the Spanish poets Xelo Candel, Vicente Luis Mora, Marta Sanz, José María García Martín, Héctor Castilla and Felipe Alcaraz enables to comprehend these practices in the poem. As an objective, it would be vital to examine the presence of the social being as a consequence of political aggressiveness in Spain.


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How to Cite

Tamames Gala, C. (2019). The withstood voices in the inhabitants and the other “remains”: some notes about poetic of the bodies in the neoliberal city and the contemporary crisis. Kamchatka. Revista De análisis Cultural., (14), 641–660.
  • Abstract
  • Artículo (Español)



Miscellany: topics, poetics and issues of contemporary culture


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