Mobile phones and screens at an early age: digital coexistence, children's rights and adult responsibility


  • Mari Carmen Caldeiro Pedreira Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Facultad de Formación del profesorado
  • Ana Castro Zubizarreta Facultad de Educación  Universidad de Cantabria
  • Tereza Havránková University of West Bohemia (República Checa)



digital age, childhood, rights, media coexistence


In the hypermedia society the indiscriminate use of multiple screens is observed from an increasingly early age. For this reason, digital coexistence, respect for children’s rights, and a sense of responsibility from the media and from families who educate children are required. This study reviews the literature in this field and identifies two approaches to the use of mobile devices in childhood. One approach highlights the uses of such devices as well as the opportunities they provide for children’s education and personal enrichment, whereas the other highlights their abu- sive uses and the problems caused by using them. This theoretical study reviews and reflects on the ideas of numerous authors who – in this digital age when society in general and children in parti- cular are using technology – are committed to empowering children to become critical receptors. Bearing in mind that childhood and the media cohabit the same space and that different children are engaged in different levels of media activity, we propose a range of levels that are based on activity, creation and social criticism. This proposal is achievable if we take into account education in, with and for the media. The CRC also recommends that families and schools should encourage suitable media and screen use by children.


Author Biography

Mari Carmen Caldeiro Pedreira, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Facultad de Formación del profesorado

Profesora de la Facultad de Formación del profesorado en el departamento de Pedagogía y didáctica de la Universidad de Santiago de compostela. 


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How to Cite

Caldeiro Pedreira, M. C., Castro Zubizarreta, A., & Havránková, T. (2021). Mobile phones and screens at an early age: digital coexistence, children’s rights and adult responsibility. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives, (26), 1–17.
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