Emotions perceived by in-service teachers in the use of active methodologies in the classroom
Teaching methods, In-service teachers, Active learning, Teacher attitude, Classroom mood
In the teaching-learning processes that take place in the classroom, as in any human activity, aspects referring to emotions are of great importance. In this context, the focus of attention has generally been directed towards students, and not so much towards teachers. The role of teachers is determined by the methodology used, but this role is established not only for pedagogical but also for emotional reasons. In the case of active methodologies, the transformation of the teacher’s traditional role from instructional to guiding entails a certain emotional framework that influences and is influenced by all of this. Aware of this reality, the aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the emotions perceived by in-service teachers when using an active methodology in the classroom. To this end, a qualitative approach has been followed, using an open questionnaire developed ad hoc as the main tool for data collection. This questionnaire was completed virtually by the participating teachers. The results reveal that the most significant emotions for teachers were the positive ones, such as enthusiasm, satisfaction and fun. In conclusion, it highlights the importance of enhancing the emotional dimension of teachers in their training, especially in relation to the performance of their role as a guide and advisor in the learning process of students.
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