Acquiring Additional Languages through the School Language Project: CLIL under revision in the Valencian context
School Language Project (SLP), CLIL, plurilingualism, multilingual contextsAbstract
With the approval of Law 4/ 2018 which regulates and promotes multilingualism in the Valencian education system, all schools and highschools, from kindergarten to Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Adult Training, have elaborated a School Language Projects (SLP, in Spanish PLC), after an in-depth analysis of the specific sociolinguistic situation of each school and geographic context. Taking into account the diverse linguistic nature of the Valencian territory, 10 kindergarten and primary schools located in different geographical areas of Castellón, Valencia and Alacant have been selected, with special attention to the rural/urban duality and the presence of non-curricular languages as familiar languages. The main objective is to analyze the distribution by vehicular languages that has been made of the academic curriculum as well as to delve into the methodological approach adopted in the treatment of the different curricular languages. Specifically, the focus of this article is on determining whether the PLCs analyzed follow the Inte- grated Language Treatment (ILT), which implies addressing languages in an integrated manner and not as independent compartments (Guasch, 2010; Pascual-Granell, 2006), and the Integrated Treatment of Language and Contents (TILC in Spanish) or, where appropriate, the Integrated Learning of Contents and Foreign Languages (CLIL). Based on the analysis of the subjects taught in English and the subjects taught in the co-official language, Valencian, as a minority language in a situation of asymmetric bilingualism, the parallels and methodological differences in the approach will be established. to the didactics of two languages, with an additional character depending on the sociolinguistic contexts.
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