Factors conditioning the relationship between schools and families of foreign origin
Interculturality, Family-school, Foreign students, Barriers, Facilitators
Enhancing relationships between families and schools, particularly in socially complex or vulnerable contexts, remains a significant social and educational challenge. This study aims to examine the impact of the percentage of foreign students on this relationship, as well as the factors acting as communication barriers and facilitators with foreign families. Based on a questionnaire distributed to the management teams of primary education centers across Spain, we have analyzed factors influencing this relationship. Notably, linguistic barriers are identified as a primary concern, particularly in schools with a higher percentage of foreign students. Additionally, a greater presence of specialized teaching staff is observed in schools with a significant number of non-native students. Among other findings, the study concludes that the inclusive model has not yet fully integrated into educational policies, potentially posing a greater challenge than linguistic barriers themselves for the successful inclusion of foreign students.
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