Centenario de Ferrer Guardia: historia y sociología de la posibilidad
Ferrer Guardia, history and sociology as a possibility, Semana Trágica, class and sexual coeducation.Abstract
This year we are commemorating the centenary of the execution of the Catalan pedagogue Ferrer Guardia, accused by the authorities of his time to be the main responsible of Barcelona’s popular revolt known as Semana Trágica. In the Escuela Moderna Ferrer Guardia planned an education bounded to solve the structural problems of the society of his time. The process for the recovery of the historic memory will contribute to the overcoming of the reproductionist sociology of education which is incapable to see that there where schools that advocated for social transformation. Rescueing Ferrer Guardia together with other important figures that lived in his time and that also looked for pacific solutions to conflicts -as where Ildefons Cerdá or the poet Joan Maragall- is considering history not as something closed, but rather as a possibility for Sociology and Education to contribute to build up a better society in the present time and in the future.
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