Education and the Pandemic: Distance Learning and the School-Family Relationship
ool, COVID-19, distance learning, quali-quantitative research, citizenship, social skills
In this paper we present the preliminary results of a survey administered to Italian stu- dents, teachers and families to detect the conditions prevailing in the education sector in the time of Covid-19. The aims of the study were to analyze teachers’ new citizenship skills and families’ relationship skills in order to create a new school-family agreement that is suitable not only for face-to-face lessons but also for distance learning and that incorporates new participation compe- tences from all those involved. Responses to the questionnaires, created in semi-structured format, were received from 2,000 teachers, families and students from all over Italy. This explorative phase highlighted the profound distance-learning revolution that has been adopted by over 90% of edu- cation systems but that has also created enormous difficulties from the emotional and relational perspectives. Aspects such as personalization and individuality in the learning process have been deferred, especially for those with disabilities. The conclusions intend to open to feasible social- pedagogical projects that respond to educational, digital and social needs drawn from this research, heralding that the pandemic has brought us into a new age of education.
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