The proposals on artistic education of the group Critical Interventions from Contemporary Art (ICDAC)
Experience, Research, Visual arts, Artistic Research, University, Educational ResearchAbstract
The research group ICDAC (Critical Interventions from Contemporary Art), consists of: Adriana Raggi Lucio (coordinator) and members Angélica Jarumi Dávila López, Benjamín J.M. Martínez Castañeda, María del Carmen Rossette Ramírez, Carlos Romualdo Piedad, Rubén Cerrillo García and María Luisa Gámez Tolentino (all from FAD, UNAM, Mexico). Daniel Montero Fayad (IIE, UNAM, Mexico) and Gabriela Piñero (UNICEN, Argentina).
We are a research group for education from, to and for the arts and even when we belong mostly to the same Faculty, we are different profiles and we do dissimilar things all the time. So to make this text of multiple perspectives and collaborative, also involved a balance of our own work. Thus, this balance translates into an exhibition as a group, the processes that made each activity possible and the observations of its results, in the form of general assumptions that will underpin the strengthening of second stages and the formation of an Educational Research idea related to the Concept of Artistic Research that is necessary in a Faculty of Arts and Design.
Also, the formation of this text was based on the concept of an Exquisite corpse, to show it outwards and show us inwards (from the same ICDAC), with the purpose of facilitating an observation from the particular experience of this group and its theorization for the classrooms in arts.
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