Artificial intelligence. Synergies between humans and creative algorithms
Artificial Intelligence, digital education, creativity, digital transition, university teachingAbstract
Artificial Intelligence has become one of the most attractive scenarios of today, both in the field of art and education, as in any other field of knowledge and human experience. Artificial Intelligence fills headlines and front pages, its presence is of such caliber that we almost suffer a real overdose of stimuli related to AI, to the point of finding ourselves in a second process of "technology fatigue", taking into account the relationship established between Artificial Intelligence processes and our excessive use of screens, mobile devices and digital technologies. As the people in charge of EARI Educación Artística: Revista de Investigación, we see ourselves in the position of addressing the topic, and we do so as professionals who have always bet on digital technologies (Huerta and Domínguez, 2019, 2020; Domínguez, 2019; Huerta, 2020). We are fascinated by the digital technological scenario, and we think it represents a future challenge for arts education.
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