Sculpture, design and play: educating for equality through sustainable spaces of counter-sexuality
Escultura, arte, diseño, sexualidad, igualdad, sostenibilidad.Abstract
This article presents a sculpture designed in 2015, Els espais invertits de Ciborga, conceived as a design object and as an egalitarian space at the same time. This piece, understood as necessary in a violent, sexist, homophobic, plastic-dependent and therefore unsustainable society, is inspired by the contrasexual and parodic deconstruction of a sexual and patriarchal space called cabin with glory holes. The idea of the article is to show this sculpture as an educational piece of furniture, more sustainable and of intellectual and corporal dynamization that also reflects on equality and contributes to improve some of the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda (of the United Nations) such as those related to well-being, health, education, gender equality, sustainability, responsible consumption and the establishment of partnerships.
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